Vascular disorders of medulla The pons It’s situated anterior to the cerebellum It connects medulla t...
Vascular disorders of medulla
The pons
- It’s situated anterior to the cerebellum
- It connects medulla to the mid brain
The anterior surface
- Middle cerebellar peduncles are located either side of the antero – lateral side
- There’s a shallow groove in the midline – Basilar groove (Lodges the basilar artery)
- Trigeminal nerve (V) emerges from the antero – lateral side
- Motor root (Small & medial)
- Sensory root (Large & lateral)
- From the groove between the Medulla & the pons, emerge (Medial to lateral)
- Abducent nerve (VI)
- Facial nerve (VII)
- Vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)
The posterior surface
- Triangular in shape
- Forms the floor of the 4th ventricle (Upper half)
- Median sulcus divides the posterior surface into symmetrical 2 halves
- Medial eminence is lateral to the sulcus & it’s bounded laterally by the sulcus limitans
- Inferior end of the medial eminence is expanded to form the facial colliculus (Produce by the root of the facial nerve winding around the nucleus of the Abducent nerve)
- Superior part of the sulcus limitans is called substantia ferruginea (Bluish – grey color)
- Vestibular area is lateral to the sulcus limitans (Produced by the underlying vestibular nucleus)
- Superior cerebellar peduncles are located most laterally