IMMUNOLOGY - study of the immune response IMMUNE RESPONSE: capable of recognizing foreign material and eliminating it from the body. ...
- IMMUNOLOGY- study of the immune response
- IMMUNE RESPONSE: capable of recognizing foreign material and eliminating it from the body.
- There are 2 types of immune responses
Non-specific immunity or Innate immunity | Specific immunity or Acquired immunity |
Immune components | |
Non-specific immunity
1. Physical barriers Intact skin(keratinized) and intact mucous membranes (Mucus traps pathogen, secretory IgA)
2. Mechanical defenses The cilia of the respiratory ,Coughing and sneezing reflexes ,peristalsis clears the gut, flushing action of urine, tears and saliva clean eyes and mouth.
3. Chemical defenses Sebaceous secretions (fatty acids) ,sweat(salt), acid pH of the stomach & vagina, Lysosyme (in tears, Sweat, saliva and mucus), lactoferrin (↓iron for bacteria)
4. Normal flora prevent pathogens establishing by ↓ space and nutrients, produce fatty acids and bactericidins
1. Neutrophils(T1/2=6h) and Macrophages (Derived from mast cells)
- CHEMOTAXIS -Phagocytes(neutrophils, macrophages) are attract to site of infection by cytokines (IL-1, IL-8) ,C5a, bacterial products, histamine, etc.
- OPSONISATION- pathogen is coated with complement products like C3b or with antibody, C-reactive protein
PHAGOCYTOSING- (engulfing) the pathogens into a phagosome. This phagosome fuses with lysosomes and lysis the pathogens - Macrophages →ACTIVATED macrophages by gamma interferon from T helper cells.
2. Eosinophils Extracellular killing of parasites by releasing toxic substances such as (MBP).
3. Mast cells (Found in skin, mucous membranes and around blood vessels)
Activated by cross-linking of surface IgE by antigen or directly by C3a and C5a.
- FIRST/ IMMEDIATE RESPONSE - release preformed mediators Histamine, heparin, eosinophil chemotactic factor, interleukin 8 (neutrophil chemotactic factor) → lead to vasodilatation, increased vascular permeability, increased mucus secretion and bronchoconstriction.
- LATER secrete newly synthesised mediators Leukotrienes →prolonged bronchoconstriction ,Prostaglandins and thromboxane, cytokines-Platelet activating factor
- Due to chemotaxis of neutrophils and eosinophils as well as basophils, lymphocytes and macrophages to the mucosa.
4. Natural Killer cells (Large granular lymphocytes)
1. Recognized and kill virally infected cells & tumour cells (extracellular killing)
2. ANTIBODY DEPENDENT CELLULAR CYTOTOXICITY (ADC) -Killing is made more efficient if the cell is coated with antibody
3. kill their targets by: pore-forming proteins (perforin) →direct cell lysis, proteolytic enzymes ( granzymes) →apoptosis, cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1, IFN-α and IFN-γ )
C. HUMORAL FACTORS: Soluble factors found in plasma
1. COMPLEMENT CASCADE group of about 20 proteins found in the serum
Actions of complement:
1. Produces Acute Inflammation-due to C3a and C5a
- triggering mast cells,chemotaxis of neutrophils , increasing vascular permeability.
2. Opsonisation-due to C3b
3. Lysis of pathogen-due to formation of the Membrane Attack Complex (MAC)
1. secreted by virally infected cells
2. induce a state of antiviral resistance in nearby uninfected cells.
3. Interferons are species(human) specific but they are not virus specific.
3. CYTOKLNES IN INNATE INIMUNITY (protein hormones secreted by cells and acting on other cells that have a role in both specific and non-specific immunity)
1. Cytokines produced in the non-specific immune
• alpha and beta interferons- produced by virally infected cells
• tumour necrosis (INF), interleukin (IL-1) and interleukin 6 (Mk) -produced by macrophages.
2. Cytokines produced by macrophages act
• Locally-promote acute inflammation
• brain -to give fever• liver -to produce acute phase proteins
• bone marrow -to produce a leucocytosis
- Have a role host defense, also useful as markers of infection. eg. C reactive protein (CRP).