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Psychotic Disorders >> Schizophrenia (continued 1)

Subtypes paranoid preoccupation with one or more delusions (typically persecutory or grandiose) or frequent auditory hal...



  • paranoid
    • preoccupation with one or more delusions (typically persecutory or grandiose) or frequent auditory hallucinations
    • relative preservation of cognitive functioning and affect; onset tends to be later in life; believed to have the best prognosis
  • catatonic
    • at least two of: motor immobility (catalepsy or stupor); excessive motor activity (purposeless, not influenced by external stimuli); extreme negativism (resistance to instructions/attempts to be moved) or mutism; peculiar voluntary movement (posturing, stereotyped movements, prominent mannerisms); echolalia (repeating words/phrases of another’s speech) or echopraxia (imitative repetition of another’s movements, gestures or posture)
  • disorganized
    • disorganized speech and behaviour; flat or inappropriate affect
    • poor premorbid personality, early and insidious onset, and continuous course without significant remissions
  • undifferentiated
    • symptoms of criteria A met, but does not fall into the 3 previous subtypes
  • residual 
    • absence of prominent delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behaviour
    • continuing evidence of disturbance indicated by the presence of negative symptoms or two or more symptoms in criteria A present in attenuated form

Clinical Pearl

Suggested Criteria for Prodromal Syndromes

  1. Attenuated positive symptom syndrome: Abnormal unusual thought content, suspiciousness, grandiosity, perceptual abnormalities, and/or organization of communication; onset or worsening in past year
  2. Brief intermittent psychotic syndrome: Frankly psychotic unusual thought content, suspiciousness, grandiosity, perceptual abnormalities, and/or organization of communication; onset in past three months
  3. Genetic risk plus functional deterioration: First-degree relative with history of any psychotic disorder or schizotypal personality disorder in patient, and substantial functional decline in past year

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Schizophrenia (continued 1)
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Schizophreniform Disorder
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Postpartum Mood Disorders

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Delusional Disorder
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