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Contrast Enhanced CT of the Abdomen & Pelvis- Template

Contrast Enhanced CT of the Abdomen & Pelvis Protocol: Non contrast followed by Arterial (30s) and Venous phase (70s) images taken after...

Contrast Enhanced CT of the Abdomen & Pelvis- Template

Contrast Enhanced CT of the Abdomen & Pelvis

Protocol: Non contrast followed by Arterial (30s) and Venous phase (70s) images taken after administering IV iodinated contrast (90ml), oral and rectal water


Liver is normal in size and density. No focal lesions or no intra hepatic biliary duct dilatations.

CBD is normal in diameter.

Gall bladder is normal, no calculi within it.

Spleen and pancreas are also normal.

Bilateral kidneys are normal in size and position. No calculi. No hydronephrosis or hydroureter.

No supra renal masses.

Retro peritoneum is normal. No evidence of para aortic lymphadenopathy.

IVC and the abdominal aorta are normal in caliber.

Uterus & ovaries are normal. No masses.

Bladder is normal in contour.

Prostate and pelvic organs are normal.

Bowel loops are normal caliber and wall thickness.

No destructive bone lesions seen in the available images.

No free fluid within peritoneal cavity.

Visualized lung fields are clear, no lung nodules or masses.

No pleural effusions.


  • Normal CECT of the abdomen and pelvis