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The cerebellum II

  TEXT The cerebellar afferent pathways Pathway Function Origin Destination Afferents from the cerebellar ...

The cerebellar afferent pathways Pathway Function Origin Destination Afferents from the cerebellar cortex Cortico ponto cerebellar Conveys control from cerebral cortex Frontal, parietal, occipital & temporal lobes Cerebellar cortex Cerebro – olivo cerebellar Cerebro – reticulo cerebellar Sensorimotor areas Via reticular formation to cerebellar cortex Afferents from the spinal cord Anterior spino cerebellar Conveys information from muscles & joints Muscle spindles Tendon organs Joint receptors Cerebellar cortex Posterior spino cerebellar Cuneo cerebellar Conveys information from muscles & joints of upper limbs Afferents from the vestibular nerve Vestibular nerve Conveys information on head position & movements Utricle Saccule Semi circular canals Cortex of the Flocculonodular lobe Other afferents Conveys information from the mid brain Red nucleus Tectum Cerebellar cortex The cerebellar efferent pathways Pathway Function Origin Destination Globose – Emboliform – Rubral Influence the ipsilateral motor activity Globose nucleus Emboliform nucleus Via rubro spinal tract to ipsilateral motor neurons in spinal cord Dentothalamic Dentate nucleus Via corticospinal tract to ipsilateral motor neurons in the spinal cord Fastigial vestibular Influence the ipsilateral extensormuscle tone Fastigial nucleus Via vestibulospinal tract to ipsilateral motor neurons in spinal cord Fastigial reticular Influence the ipsilateral muscle tone Via reticulospinal tract to ipsilateral motor neurons in spinal cord

The cerebellum

  1. The cerebellum I
  2. The cerebellum II