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The cerebellum

  Lecture text The position of the cerebellum Situated in the posterior cranial fossa Covered superio...

Lecture text
The position of the cerebellum Situated in the posterior cranial fossa Covered superiorly by the tentorium cerebelli Lies posterior to the 4th ventricle, pons & medulla oblongata Cerebellum has 2 hemispheres & they are joined by the vermis It’s connected to the brainstem by the superior, middle & inferior cerebellar peduncles Cerebellum has 3 lobes : Anterior, Middle (Largest) & Flocculonodular lobe Cerebellum has an outer covering of grey matter (Cortex) & inner white matter Cortex (The grey matter) The white matter White matter is made up of 3 groups of fibers Intrinsic fibers : Don’t leave the cerebellum, but connect different parts of the organ Afferent fibers : Proceed to the cerebellar cortex Efferent fibers : Constitute the output of the cerebellum 4 masses of grey matter are embedded in the white matter forming intra cerebellar nuclei (Lateral to medial) Dentate nucleus : Axons form the superior cerebellar peduncle Emboliform nucleus : Axons form the superior cerebellar peduncle Globose nucleus : Axons form the superior cerebellar peduncle Fastigial nucleus : Axons form the inferior cerebellar The cerebellum (Superior view) The lobes of the cerebellum Positions of the intra cerebellar nuclei

The cerebellum

  1. The cerebellum I
  2. The cerebellum II