occurs more frequently in pregnancy and puerperium (time immediately after the delivery of a baby) most common medical complication of ...
- occurs more frequently in pregnancy and puerperium (time immediately after the delivery of a baby)
- most common medical complication of pregnancy due to increased urinary stasis from mechanical and hormonal (progesterone) factors
- organisms : same as non-pregnant woman, also GBS
- may be symptomatic or asymptomatic; treat all
- risk of acute cystitis, pyelonephritis, and possible PPROM (Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes)
- recurrence common treatment of pyelonephritis during pregnancy requires hospitalization and IV antibiotics
- treatment of asymptomatic bacteruria or acute cystitis
- amoxicillin first line
- alternatives are TMP-SMX (Septra) or nitrofurantoin (avoid during last 6 weeks of pregnancy)
- follow with monthly urine cultures
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