as many as 20% of children < 5 years of age Assessment History age of onset, dietary history associated symp...
- as many as 20% of children < 5 years of age
- age of onset, dietary history
- associated symptoms: abdo pain, encopresis, overflow diarrhea
Physical exam
- examine lower back for evidence of occult cord lesion (NTD)
- abdominal exam
- rectal exam
- most often diet-related with no specific disease
- Hirschsprung's disease
Functional Constipation
- 99% of cases of constipation
- lack of bulk or fibre in diet or change in diet
- poor fluid intake
- in children, can occur during toilet training, or due to pain on defecation, stool witholding
- in infants, often when introducing cow's milk
- after breast milk
- anal fissures and pain -----> withhold passing stool
----> chronic dilatation and overflow incontinence, - encopresis = Pain Retention Cycle
- ïncrease fluids, increase dietary fibre
- may need mineral oil, laxatives
- appropriate toilet training technique
Specific Organic Disorders
1. Hirschsprung's Disease (congenital aganglionic megacolon)
- rectosigmoid in 75% of cases
- incidence: M:F=3:1, 1/5 000 live births
- associated with Down syndrome
Clinical features
- severity depends on length of involvement
- no meconium within first 24 hours
- palpable stool on abdominal exam with empty rectum on DRE
- intermittent diarrhea, BM only with rectal stimulation
- constipation
- abdominal distention
- vomiting
- enterocolitis: may be fatal, peak incidence 2-3 months of age
- toxic megacolon and perforation
- barium enema: proximal dilatation due to functional obstruction, empty rectum
- manometric studies: may have false positives
- rectal biopsy: definitive diagnosis (absent ganglion cells)
- nonsurgical if short segment
- surgery: colostomy and re-anastomosis
2. Other
- intestinal obstruction
- endocrine
- hypothyroidism
- diabetes mellitus
- hypercalcemia
- neurogenic bowel (i.e. spina bifida)
- anal fissure/stricture/stenosis
- collagen vascular disease
- drugs: lead, chemotherapy, opioids