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Psychiatric Assessment >> Mental Status Exam (MSE) (continued 2)

Clinical Pearl There is poor correlation between clinical impression of suicide risk and frequency of attempts. Thought Conte...

imageClinical Pearl

There is poor correlation between clinical impression of suicide risk and frequency of attempts.

Thought Content

  • suicidal ideation/homicidal ideation
    • low - fleeting thoughts, no formulated plan, no intent
    • intermediate - more frequent ideation, well formulated plan, no active intent
    • high -  persistent ideation and profound hopelessness/anger, well formulated plan and active intent, believes suicide/homicide is the only helpful option available
  • obsession - recurrent and persistent thought, impulse or image which is intrusive or inappropriate
    • cannot be stopped by logic or reason
    • causes marked anxiety and distress
    • common themes: contamination, orderliness, sexual, pathological doubt/worry/guilt
  • pre-occupations, ruminations (reflections/thoughts at length)
  • overvalued ideas- unusual/odd beliefs that are not of delusional proportions
  • magical thinking- belief that thinking something will make it happen; normal in kids
  • ideas of reference- similar to delusion of reference but the reality of the belief is questioned
  • delusion - a fixed false belief that is out of keeping with a person,s cultural or religious background and is firmly held despite incontrovertible proof to the contrary
  • thought insertion/withdrawal/broadcasting; delusions of control -belief that one,s thoughts/actions are controlled by some external source


Clinical Pearl : Delusions

    1. Persecutory - belief that others are trying to cause harm
    2. Delusions of reference - interpreting publicly known events/celebrities as having direct reference to the patient
    3. Erotomania - belief that another is in love with you
    4. Grandiose - belief of an inflated sense of self-worth or power
    5. Religious - belief of receiving instructions/powers from a higher being; of being a higher being
    6. Somatic - belief that one has a physical disorder/defect
    7. Nihilistic - belief that things do not exist;a sense that everything is unreal


Psychiatric Assessment >> History

Psychiatric Assessment >> Mental Status Exam (MSE)

Psychiatric Assessment >> Mental Status Exam (MSE) (continued 2)
Psychiatric Assessment >> Mental Status Exam (MSE) (continued 3)