Multiaxial Assessment Axis I differential diagnosis of DSM-IV clinical disorders Axis II personalit...
- Axis I
- differential diagnosis of DSM-IV clinical disorders
- Axis II
- personality disorders, mental retardation
- Axis III
- general medical conditions that are potentially relevant to the understanding or management of the mental disorder
- Axis IV
- psychosocial and environmental issues
- Axis V
- global assessment of functioning (GAF, 0 to 100) incorporating effects of axes I to IV
- a diagram outlining current issues and interrelations between an individual's biological, psychological, and social factors
- for each category: predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating, and protecting factors
Approach to Management
- consider subdividing management into
- 1) biological (e.g. pharmacotherapy)
- 2) psychological (e.g. CBT) and
- 3) social (e.g. support group)
Clinical Pearl
Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning
91-100- Superior functioning in a wide range of activities
81-90- Absent or minimal symptoms
71-80- If symptoms are present, they are transient and expected reactions to psychosocial stressors
61-70- Some mild symptoms or some difficulty but generally functioning well
51-60- Moderate symptoms or difficulty
41-50- Serious symptoms or difficulty
31-40- Some impairment in reality testing/communication, impairment in several areas
21-30- Behaviour is influenced by delusions/hallucinations or serious impairment in communication/judgment
11-20- Some danger of hurting self or others or occasionally fails to maintain minimal hygiene or gross impairment in communication
1-10- Persistent danger of severely hurting self or others or persistent inability to maintain minimal personal hygiene or serious suicidal act
0- Inadequate information