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progressive dyspnea with dry cough for one month

Age/Sex: 49/M Chief complaints: progressive dyspnea with dry cough for one month Diagnosis: DIP (desquamative interstitial pneumoni...

Age/Sex: 49/M
Chief complaints: progressive dyspnea with dry cough for one month

DIP (desquamative interstitial pneumonia)DIP (desquamative interstitial pneumonia)DIP (desquamative interstitial pneumonia)DIP (desquamative interstitial pneumonia)

Diagnosis: DIP (desquamative interstitial pneumonia)

Brief discussion:
DIP is characterized by mild inflammation of the alveolar interstitium with relative preservation of the alveolar anatomic structure and the presence of many macrophages within the alveolar air spaces. The most common finding on the chest radiograph is the presence of ground-glass opacity in the lower lung zones. These areas of ground-glass opacity are predominantly in the periphery of lower-lung zone on HRCT scan. Irregular lines of attenuation, cystic changes, and traction bronchiectasis may also be seen but are usually not prominent.