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A 4 months old child with mild increase of the head circumference.

A 4 months old child with mild increase of the head circumference. The neurological exam was normal. CT was done to rule out hydrocephalus. ...

A 4 months old child with mild increase of the head circumference. The neurological exam was normal. CT was done to rule out hydrocephalus.

Benign enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces

Plain brain CT:

Mild symmetrical enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces mainly at the frontal regions with slight increased ventricular size. The degree of dilatation of the lateral ventricles is roughly proportional to the width of the frontal subarachnoid spaces.


Benign enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces. (Typical age of presentation: Usually 2-7 months, and resolve spontaneously by the 2nd birthday).