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A 45 year old male presented with altered level of conciousness.

1. What is the diagnosis? A. MCA infarct B. AC A infarct C. Artery of Heubner Infarct D. Artery of Percheron infarct 2. Which of the follow ...

1. What is the diagnosis?
A. MCA infarct
B. AC A infarct
C. Artery of Heubner Infarct
D. Artery of Percheron infarct

2. Which of the follow could also be included in the differential for bilateral thalamic Hypodensities on CT?
A. Wernicke-Korsakoff
B. Internal Cerebral Vein Thrombosis
C. Top of the Basilar Syndrome
D. All of the Above

3. The Artery of Percheron arises from__________, and supplies___________ ?
A. Bilateral PCAs, Unilateral Thalamus
B. Unilateral PC A, Unilateral Thalamus
C. Bilateral PCAs, Bilateral Thalamus + Midbrain
D. Unilateral PCA, Bilateral Thalamus + Midbrain

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1. What is the diagnosis?
Artery of Percheron infarct

2. Which of the follow could also be included in the differential for bilateral thalamic Hypodensities on CT?
A. Wernicke-Korsakoff
B. Internal Cerebral Vein Thrombosis
C. Top of the Basilar Syndrome

3. The Artery of Percheron arises from__________, and supplies___________ ?
Unilateral PCA, Bilateral Thalamus + Midbrain

Artery of Percheron Infarct is a rare vascular variant, in which a single common trunk arises from one of the PCAs to supply both thalami and the midbrain.




  • This is a unique example of a unilateral blood vessel supplying structures on both sides of the midbrain.
  • Occlusion of the Artery of Percheron will cause a bilateral infarction of the thalamus and a “V-Shaped” infarct of the rostral midbrain.
  • On CT, occlusion of the bilateral cerebral veins, occlusion of the tip of the basilar artery, or even Wernickes can give a similar appearance.