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A 9 year old boy brought by his parents on complaint of uncontrollable laughter associated with fits.

1. What is the diagnosis? A. Pituitary Adenoma B. Teratoma C. Glioma D. Tuber Cinereum Hamartoma 2. What is the classic history? A. Inferti...

1. What is the diagnosis?
A. Pituitary Adenoma
B. Teratoma
C. Glioma
D. Tuber Cinereum Hamartoma

2. What is the classic history?
A. Infertility
B. Sudden Death
C. Gelastic seizures
D. Grand mal seizures

3. What the hell is this “tuber cinereum”?
A. It’s part of the pituitary
B. It’s part of the optic chiasm
C. It’s part of the mamillary bodies
D. It’s part of the hypothalamus


1. What is the diagnosis?

Tuber Cinereum Hamartoma

2. What is the classic history?

Gelastic seizures

3. What the hell is this “tuber cinereum”?

It’s part of the hypothalamus

Tuber Cinereum Hamartoma
A hamartoma located within a specific
location of the hypothalamus


– The location is very typical.

– In addition to the characteristic
location, this thing should be isointense to cortex on T1 with no enhancement.

– The most testable trivia regarding these things is the classic clinical history. There are actually two classic clinical stories:
♦Gelastic (laughing) seizures
♦Precocious Puberty

– The tuber cinereum is the part of the hypothalamus located between the optic chiasm and the mamillary bodies.