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Developmental Delay

What is the diagnosis ? A. Looks normal to me B. Polymicrogyria C. Hydranencephaly D. Schizencephaly E. Agenesis of the ...

  1. What is the diagnosis ?
    A. Looks normal to me
    B. Polymicrogyria
    C. Hydranencephaly
    D. Schizencephaly
    E. Agenesis of the corpus callosum
  2. What part of the corpus callosum forms first ?
    A. Genu
    B. Splenium
    C. Body
    D. Rostrum
  3. What condition(s) are classically associated with agenesis of the Corpus Callosum
    A. Intracranial Lipoma
    B. Hydrocephalus (Colpocephaly)
    C. Chiari II Malformations
    D. Dandy Walker Spectrum
    E. All of the above

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  1. What is the diagnosis?
    E. Agenesis of the corpus callosum
  2. What part of the corpus callosum forms first?
    A. Genu
  3. What condition(s) are classically associated with agenesis of the Corpus Callosum ?
    A. Intracranial Lipoma
    B. Hydrocephalus (Colpocephaly)
    C. Chiari II Malformations
    D. Dandy Walker Spectrum
    E. All of the above

Essential Trivia:

  • There are 3 classic ways to show this (as above)
  • There are tons of associations. The ones I would know are: Colpocephaly (30%), Intracranial Lipoma (10%), Dandy Walker (11%), Chiari II (7%), Holoprosencephaiy, and Fetal EtOH syndrome.
  • The C.C. forms front to back then Rostrum last.