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Non Contrast CT Scan of the Brain and Para nasal sinuses

Non Contrast CT Scan of the Brain and Para nasal sinuses Indication:   Headache Protocol: 5mm thick cuts of the brain and 3mm thick cuts of ...

Non Contrast CT Scan of the Brain and Para nasal sinuses

Non Contrast CT Scan of the Brain and Para nasal sinuses

Indication:  Headache

Protocol: 5mm thick cuts of the brain and 3mm thick cuts of the pns without contrast


Cerebral hemisphere appears normal for the age.

Grey / white demarcation is preserved.

Ventricular system is normal for the age.

No acute haemorrhages or infarctions.

No mid line shift or evidence of cerebral oedema.

No extra axial fluid collections.

B/L frontal, maxillary, sphenoid, anterior and posterior ethmoid sinuses are normal in size.

No mucosal thickening, air-fluid level or masses seen.

Nasal cavity and turbinates are normal.

No evidence of polyps.

No sclerotic or lytic lesions seen involving the bones.

Visualized orbital cavity and brain is normal.


  • Normal NCCT Brain and Para nasal sinuses