DEFINITION period of adjustment after pregnancy when anatomic and physiologic changes are reversed immediate - first 24 hours after de...
DEFINITION period of adjustment after pregnancy when anatomic and physiologic changes are reversed immediate - first 24 hours after de...
HISTORY includes Medical Hx (ID, CC, HPI, PMH, Meds, Allergies, etc... ) and … Menstrual History LNMP LMP age of menarche, ...
Definition gestation that implants outside of the endometrial cavity Incidence 1/100 clinically recognized pregnancies fourth l...
DIABETES MELLITUS (see Endocrinology Notes) Type I Diabetes insulin dependent, most common type in childhood prevalenc...
WILMS,TUMOUR (NEPHROBLASTOMA) mean age at diagnosis 3-3 1/2 years, M=F 5% of all childhood cancers 1/3 hereditary and 2/3...
cancer is second most common cause of death in children after 1 year of age (1st=injuries) usually occur sporadically, but increas...
DYSRHYTHMIAS see also Cardiology Notes can be transient or permanent, congenital (structurally normal or abnormal) or...
Etiology congenital heart defects ateriovenous malformations cardiomyopathy arrhythmias acute hypertension anemia...
present with pallor, decreased urine output, cool extremities and poor pulses Coarctation of the Aorta narrowing of aor...
ACUTE CHOLANGITIS Mechanism: obstruction of common bile duct leading to biliary stasis, bacterial overgrowth, suppuratio...