for low-risk, uncomplicated pregnancy Visit monthly until 28 weeks Visit 2 weeks from 28 to 36 weeks Visit weekly from 36 weeks un...
for low-risk, uncomplicated pregnancy
- Visit monthly until 28 weeks
- Visit 2 weeks from 28 to 36 weeks
- Visit weekly from 36 weeks until delivery
With Every Visit
1. estimate GA
2. urine dip for glucose and protein
3. weight gain
- expect gain of roughly 1 lb/month in first half of pregnancy, 1 lb/week in second half of pregnancy
- average weight gain 25-35 lbs with only 40% of weight gain products of conception
5. symphyseal-fundal height measurement:
SFH should be within 2 cm of gestational age in weeks between 20 and 37 weeks,6. differential diagnosis of uterus incorrect size for dates (accurate dates essential)
i.e. SFH = 20 cm @ 20 weeks
- 12 weeks fundus @ pubic symphysis
- 20 weeks @ umbilicus
- 37 weeks @ sternum
maternal--> DM
maternal-fetal--> polyoligo-hydramnios, multiple gestation
fetal--> abnormal karyotype, IUGR, fetal anomaly
7. examination of abdomen for lie, position and presentation (Leopold maneuvers) in T3
8. fetal heart tones starting at ~ 12 weeks if using doppler U/S
Gestation-Dependent Management