PRECONCEPTION COUNSELLING folic acid to prevent NTD Ãs (0.4 to 1 mg daily in all women, 4 mg if past NTD) genetic history and risk fa...
- folic acid to prevent NTD Ãs (0.4 to 1 mg daily in all women, 4 mg if past NTD)
- genetic history and risk factors
- modify medications, alcohol, smoking
- rubella immunity
- proper nutrition
- use of prenatal vitamin and iron supplementation
- impact on family and occupation (maternity/paternity leave)
- domestic violence (50% of domestic violence begins in pregnancy) depression / mental health
generally after 12 weeks
- determine GA by dates from the first day of the LMP (if regular periods and sure dates)
- if LMP unsure, get a dating ultrasound
- determine EDC using the Naegele Rule
first day of LMP + 7 days - 3 months
e.g. LMP = 1 Apr. 1999, EDC = 8 Jan. 2000
modify appropriately for longer or shorter cycles
4. obtain obstetric history of all previous pregnancies (GTPAL)
5. obtain relevant medical, social, and family history
6. counselling
- drug use, alcohol consumption, smoking
- breastfeeding
- complete physical exam
- baseline BP (very important for relating subsequent changes)
- baseline weight
- pelvic exam
1. blood work
- CBC, blood group and type, Rh antibodies
- rubella titre, VDRL, HBsAg routine; HIV serology should be
offered to all
2. urine
- R&M (Routine and Microscopy), C&S (Urine culture and sensitivity)
asymptomatic bacteriuria in 5% of pregnant women - if untreated 25-30% will get a UTI in pregnancy (increased risk of preterm labour)
- Pap smear (if none within 6 months), culture for GC and Chlamydia