Pathology Non-invasive Ductal carcinoma in situ risk of development of infiltrating ductal carcinoma in same breast excisi...
Pathology Non-invasive Ductal carcinoma in situ risk of development of infiltrating ductal carcinoma in same breast excisi...
Epidemiology most common cancer in women (excluding skin) second leading cause of cancer mortality in women most...
Common causes of breast symptoms FIBROCYSTIC DISEASE benign breast condition consisting of fibrous and cystic cha...
ACUTE PANCREATITIS (see Gastroenterology Notes ) usually no surgical management in uncomplicated acute pancreatitis ...
Severity not proportional to the level of amylase Ranson's Criteria - pancreatitis not due to gallstones (...
Causes ( I GET SMASHED ) I diopathic: 3rd most common - thought to be hypertensive sphincter or microlithiasis G allstone...
Clinical presentation contributing factors obesity, chronic cough, pregnancy, constipation,straining on urination, asc...
protrusion of a viscus into an area in which it is not normally contained Incidence male:female = 9:1 lifetime r...
systemic venous return re-enters systemic circulation directly most prominent feature is cyanosis (O2 sat < 75%) differentiate...
extra blood is displaced through a communication from the left to the right side of the heart, resulting in increased pulmonary blood ...