Symptoms amenorrhea nausea and/or vomiting breast tenderness urinary frequency fatigue Signs softening of the cervix (Goo...
- amenorrhea
- nausea and/or vomiting
- breast tenderness
- urinary frequency fatigue
- softening of the cervix (Goodell sign): 4-6 weeks
- bluish discoloration of the cervix and vagina due to engorgement of pelvic vasculature (Chadwick sign): 6 weeks
- uterine enlargement
- softening of the isthmus (Hegar sign): 6-8 weeks
1. Beta hCG
- positive in the serum at 9 days post-conception
- positive in the urine 28 days after LMP
2. Transvaginal ultrasound
- 5 weeks: gestational sac visible (Beta hCG = 1200 -1500 mIU/mL)
- 6 weeks: fetal pole seen
- 7-8 weeks: fetal heart tones visible
3. Transabdominal U/S
- intrauterine pregnancy visible at Beta hCG = 5000 mIU/mL
A. An eccentrically-placed intrauterine gestational sac 6 weeks postmenstruation (arrow).
B. In contrast, a pseudosac (arrow) in a patient with ectopic pregnancy representing a collection of blood or fluid collected within the endometrial cavity.