8/1000 live births, can present with heart murmur, heart failure, or cyanosis Increased risk Maternal factors diabetes...
8/1000 live births, can present with heart murmur, heart failure, or cyanosis Increased risk Maternal factors diabetes...
50-80% of children have audible heart murmurs at some point in their lives most murmurs are functional (i.e. "innocent...
Assessment assess hemodynamic stability NG tube to determine if upper or lower bleed history: acute or chronic, age of child ...
as many as 20% of children < 5 years of age Assessment History age of onset, dietary history associated symp...
10-15% of children definition: three or more episodes of pain severe enough to affect activities, occurring over a period of...
Assessment most common GI complaint accurate description of pain and its characteristics vomiting before pain sug...
suggests malabsorption (with frequent bulky, foul smelling stools) Investigation of malabsorption stool consistency, p...
CHRONIC DIARRHEA Clinical Assessment > 2 weeks onset, nature of stool nutritional status (chronic diarrhe...
get a good history (daycare, travel, drugs, foods, other symptoms) Etiology viral infection most c...
ANATOMY The stomach is divided into the fundus, body, and antrum Hydrochloric acid—secreting parietal cells are found in the ...